This week in Dexter Class

This week in phonics, we will be learning the sounds qu, ch, th and sh as well as the high frequency and tricky words the, got, get, to , put, and will.
We will be using our phonics knowledge to write words containing these sounds and will be putting our writing skills into practice throughout the week to enhance our play.
In maths, we are continuing with our work on addition and being able to say what is one more or one less than a given number. We will also be working on our subitising skills (being able to recognise how many objects there are without having to count them individually, as one might do with a dice).
We have now begun to learn the words to the songs that we shall be singing at the Nativity and a letter should have come home informing you of the part that your child will play. In Dexter class, the children play a supporting role to the children in Hereford. The children appear in a group and will be part of a song or dance.
We have had to deviate from our usual Monday welly walk this week and are hoping to go on Tuesday afternoon instead.
Thank you to those of you that have returned your reply slip regarding Ten Town subscription. We will try to have this set up by the end of the week. If you have not returned the slip, please could you do so as soon as possible.