This Week in Friesian Class
This week we are pausing from our Ancient Egyptian topic to learn all about WWI. We started the week with a church service from Mrs Foreman, who talked to us about the soldiers that gave their lives in the war. She explained that there were soldiers who lived in Amberley and attended Amberley School that joined the army at a very young age. We then came back and learnt a bit more about those particular men from Amberley. We then looked at how the war began and which countries were involved. The children completed a guided reading session based on an information text about WWI. On Tuesday, we will walk down to the Amberley graveyard and visit the grave of Sir Fabian Ware. We will learn about what he did for the soldiers who died in the war. In maths, we will continue with addition and subtraction, focusing on using a formal written method. In RE, we have introduced our new value for the term, 'Truthfulness'. On Friday, we will begin our outdoor learning sessions. Please could you ensure the children have the appropriate warm and waterproof clothing for outdoor learning. Thank you for your continued support.