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Health and Wellbeing Week in Dexter Class

Health and Wellbeing Enrichment Week

5th- 8th June 2018

Last week the children learned all about The 5 Ways to Wellbeing and about the importance of spiritual, mental and physical good health. Throughout the week they took part in a wide variety of activities and learning opportunities.


The children visited the prayer stations. They learned about life for the thousands of homeless people on the streets, Amnesty International’s work in Asia, Courage, Fair Trade and reflected on things that they worry about and need to find courage for.

We talked about our worries and ready the book ‘Hey Warrior!’ by Karen Young which told us all about how the amygdala in our brain works and how it controls our feelings of anxiousness. The children then followed instructions to make Guatemalan worry dolls using pipe cleaners and wool.

We went on to learn about taking exercise and staying active. We ran the daily mile and talked about the effects of exercise on our bodies.


We were joined by the Shared Universe Foundation who gave us an update on their work with elephant conservation. The children listened extremely well and later in the day, remembered several of the facts they were told.

In RE, we looked further at our value of courage and everybody took part in an amazing activity where they had to push a pencil through a bag of water and have the courage to believe that it wouldn’t leak. To their amazement, it worked and the children were able to share their experience with other adults later in the day.

In the afternoon, we once again took part in the daily mile before taking time to notice the world around us. We lay on the grass and looked at the cloud formations, focused on our breathing and then, when we got back, discussed the importance of giving our bodies and minds a chance to relax and recuperate.

We then came back to talking about the 5 ways to wellbeing and ‘keep learning’. The children were shown how to juggle and had great fun trying to do it themselves!


We started the day with some yoga and discussed how this would help us to move our mood and relax us if we were feeling anxious.

After break we talked about and sorted different types of food into the 5 different food groups: Fruit and veg, protein, dairy, carbohydrates and fats and sugars. We talked about what each food group does for our bodies and how we should eat the sugary foods in moderation.

We then made fruit and vegetable models and talked about the vitamins in them and why these are good for us.

We even tried the different vegetables!

We finished the day off by running the daily mile and talking about our skeletons and the different organs in our bodies and what they help our bodies to do.


We started the day with PE, we were learning how to throw the ball underarm and were pretending to be the royal navy sinking ships (getting beanbags into hoops!).

After this, the children wanted to continue exploring the food so we turned our home corner into a restaurant. The children prepared the food…

They wrote menus…

They invited customers in and took their orders…

In the afternoon we continued to practice some more yoga and were exhausted after such a fantastic week!!

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Voluntary Aided

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The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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