This week in Friesians
Welcome back! We hope you all had a good Easter break.
We have started the term with an introduction to our new topic 'Roman Rule'. All the children have been very excited about this so far. In English, we will continue to write our innovated warning tale based on the book 'Why the Whales Came' by Micheal Morpurgo. Mrs Stevens actually visited Brhyer in the Isles of Scilly, where the story is set. She took lots of photos for us and told us all about the island. The children really enjoyed seeing real pictures of the place that we have been learning about. In Maths, we will begin our new unit on measuring length. We will start by recapping what the children already know and then move on to some tricky measurement problems. In RE, we will finish our unit on Islam and discuss 'Justice', our new value for the term. Swimming will begin this week as usual. Thank you for all your support.