This week In Dexter Class

It's Science Week!
We have had a very exciting start to the week this week, as we are celebrating National Science Week. We have already put on our lab coats (aprons) and set up an experiment to find out what happens when different things are mixed together. We have seen mud suspended in water, making it a dirty colour, created a paste from flour and water and then had great fun finding out about reactions by mixing vinegar and baking soda! I am sure the children will tell you all about it! On Tuesday we will be joined by the Silly Science team, who will be leading an assembly and then workshops for us to find out about chromatography. We will also be dressing up as mad scientists in order to raise funds to cover some of the costs of the week (£1 per child to dress up) and later in the week will be conducting some more experiments.
In phonics, we are recapping the er/ir/ur sound and will be learning air and ure sounds.
In maths, we are looking at pattern and have already seen some work by the artist Andy Goldsworthy, as well as patterns that occur in nature. We are hoping to welly walk on Wednesday afternoon, when we will also try and create our own patterns out of natural materials.