Easter Garden

This week we have been learning about the Easter Story and as part of our learning, we have created a class Easter Garden. On our welly walk we collected moss, stones and sticks to put into the garden and Mrs Smith kindly bought in some plants. We have created a tomb, to show where Jesus' body was laid to rest and Calvary Hill with three crosses. As we planted the plants, we looked closely at their structures and learned about the function of bulbs, roots, stems and flowers, noting the similarities and differences between the plants. We have added cress seeds, so that we can see how plants grow (and won't have to wait very long!). We have also looked at other plants and flowers that were bought into the classroom and observed what happened to those that were kept in water and those that weren't. The children were engaged and we continued this theme of learning later in the week, by planting our own french and broad beans. We will be keeping a close eye on how these grow and will eventually plant them out in our outdoor area.