10 Ways To Share Kindness Online
Last year, around one in five children aged 10–15 in England and Wales admitted experiencing online bullying: most commonly being insulted or sworn at, or having hurtful messages sent about them. To a child who’s being bullied, the world can seem like a bleak, negative place – but just one kind word can be a ray of hope: a turning point that brightens someone’s day and resets their perspective. That’s why ‘One Kind Word’ was the theme of Anti-Bullying Week last year. We’re continuing to support this message by bringing you ten top tips for beating online bullying by replacing it with kindness.
In the guide, from National Safety Online, you'll find tips such as reaching out, thinking before commenting and recommending fun things.
If you have problems with online bullying, talk to staff about how to report it, or visit https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/