AMBERLEY SCHOOL FOA (Friends of Amberley)
The main role of the FOA is to raise money and develop social links which enrich the lives of the children that come into the Amberley family.
The FOA also help towards the added extras at school. We help provide many of the enriching elements that your children use, see or do everyday during their time at Amberley. These include the Christmas panto performance and lunch, contributions towards class trips and classroom budgets. Larger purchases include class sets of IPads and our playground project.
There are a number of events that we organise throughout the school year, the main ones being the Christmas party, the Cow Hunt and the Summer Sizzler Event. These are important events in the school calendar and are always lots of fun to be involved in.
Although the FOA is a committee, it is assumed that all parents at Amberley School are members of the FOA, and are encouraged to take part in supporting the organising or running of at least one event a year. Our committee are amazing, but they can't do it alone!
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Help us to raise valuable funds to support the school by using the Amazon Smile shopping portal and selecting us as your preferred charity.