Amberley Parochial School is a Voluntary Aided School which means that our Governors have an important role in working with our Headteacher to determine the direction of the school. Our Governors are comprised of a varied group of parents/ex parents and members of the local community who care about the school and how it works best to benefit our children. The Governors bring a variety of skills and backgrounds to help make decisions on matters of staffing, admissions, premises, curriculum, finance and health and safety always remembering the three key roles Governors hold:
To provide a strategic view
To act as a critical friend
To ensure accountability
Our Local Governing Board meet five times a year and is made up of two staff governors, two parent governors, one local authority governor and seven foundation governors as listed below. We occasionally invite people with particular expertise to be associate members of the governing board; their role is to assist and advise the governors in the decision making process.
Head Teacher
Mr J Gegg Parent Governor
Alison Flight
Mrs Flight has been head since September 2023. She has been teaching in Gloucestershire for over 25 years and has a passion for developing a love of teaching and learning. Mrs Flight has a love for the creative arts and performing; running school choirs and leading singing. She also enjoys watching and taking part in sport, particularly rugby and athletics.
F&R Vice Chair/ Parent Governor
Mr J Gegg Parent Governor
James Gegg
Co Chair of Governors
Finance / Parent Governor
James Gegg joined as a Parent Governor in January 2019, and is vice chair of the Finance Committee. He has three children currently attending Amberley.
F&R / Foundation Governor
Mr J Gegg Parent Governor
Matt Anderson
Co Chair of Governors
Finance / Co-Opted Governor
Matt Anderson joined as a Foundation Governor in September 2019 and is the Chair of the Finance Committee. He has recently been appointed as a Co-Opted Governor as part of the school transition to academy status.
He has two sons, one of which is attending Amberley. He moved to Amberley from Nailsworth, with his wife, in 2021 and runs his own architectural practice. He enjoys practicing yoga on a regular basis and swimming, both of which allow him to keep up with two energetic boys!
Will Howick
Finance / Parent Governor
Will joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in Autumn 2022 and is a member of the Finance Committee. He lives locally with three children at the school. His professional background is in cyber security. Aside from an interest in all things science and technology, he also loves music and is a classically-trained cellist.
Joanna Wood
E&S Chair / Foundation Governor
Joanna Wood is the Chair of the Ethos and Standards Committee, in addition to being the lead governor for Safeguarding and EYFS. She has a son who previously attended Amberley Parochial and she lives in Chalford Hill. Joanna is a part-time primary school teacher in the Stroud area with over 20 years teaching experience and also supports people locally through Equine Therapeutic work.
Clare Atherton
E&S / Foundation Governor
Clare is the lead Governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, part of the Ethos and Standards Committee, and Class Governor for Dexter Class. She has two children who, having been at Amberley, have now moved on to secondary school and University. Prior to having children, Clare worked as a teacher in primary schools in Gloucester and now works part time as the SENDCo here at Amberley, as well as SENCo at Maidenhill Secondary School.
Alison Truphet
E&S / Foundation Governor
Alison joined the Governing Board as an Associate Member and then became a Foundation Governor. Alison has lived in Amberley for a number of years. With a background in education, in both teaching and delivering extra-curricular programmes, she is delighted to be working with the whole school community as a member of the Governing Board. Alison is a member of the Amberley Shop on the Common Management Committee. Her wider interests are in the visual and performing arts, particularly dance.
Sarah Hamilton
E&S / Staff Governor
Sarah Hamilton joined the teaching staff in September 2016 and teaches Hereford Class. Although she lives in Gloucester, she taught in the area prior to starting at Amberley. Mrs Hamilton has taught both KS1 and KS2, and leads English and DT in the school. Mrs Hamilton enjoys playing netball, socialising with friends and travelling.
Nicky Oates
Clerk to the Governors
Nicky Oates has been recruited by the central clerking team, and supports Amberley Parochial School for clerking.
Trustees are responsible for the strategic direction, broad policy framework and oversight of the Trust and all its schools. They take decisions that are in the best interests the MAT as a whole and are not representative of any one of the constituent schools. The Trustees are also Directors of the Academies Trust which is a company limited by guarantee and registered as such at Companies House.
For more information please see the DGAT website.
Our Local Governing Board is made up of two committees.
They are the Standards and Ethos committee and the Finance Committee, both meet regularly and report back to the Local Governors Board Meetings.
The Structure of the committees are listed above.