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Diversity and Inclusion

Central to Christian theology is the truth that every single one of us is made in the image of God. Every one of us is loved unconditionally by God. We must avoid, at all costs, diminishing the dignity of any individual to a stereotype or a problem. As a Church of England school, we strive to be part of a community where everyone is a person known and loved by God, and is supported to know their intrinsic value.

We’re passionate about inclusion and equal opportunity for all learners, whatever their ethnicity, faith, background, ability or gender. We believe that everyone should have the same opportunity to achieve their full potential at school and beyond, flourishing in their own individual way.

The Amberley Immersion Curriculum has been created with specific consideration to developing diverse content and representation within the books and resources that we use, and the content that we cover. We believe that more can be done to celebrate diverse cultures, people and experiences in UK education and so we have used key findings from a variety of educational research and reports to ensure we offer a realistic view of the world, regardless of the ethnic and cultural makeup of our community.



The Library

We are in the process of updating our library with the aim of ensuring that we are promoting literature that reflects and honours the lives of all young people.

We have spent considerable time researching and are now starting to purchase books which have been recommended by organisations such as, The CLPE, The Literacy Trust, and The Book Trust. We aim to continue developing the range of books we have on offer as funding allows. 


As part of continuing professional development, staff at Amberley often undertake action research projects. This link leads to a project focused on the development of diverse representations in the curriculum. 

Talking about race and ethnic diversity can be tricky. Many people worry about saying the wrong thing and causing offense. However, studies have shown that by age 5, children can show signs of racial bias, such as treating people from one racial group more favourably than the other. As adults, we have the opportunity to gently lay the foundation of children's worldview from the start (One Million Kids- One Million Talks).

The following sites offer advice to help to understand how to talk to children about race and racism, and what to do to support a child who’s experiencing racial bullying.


Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

Should you wish for a paper copy of information from our website, please contact the office.

Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

© Copyright 2016 

Amberley Parochial Primary School

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