At Amberley Parochial School, we value each and every child and we aim to provide the right learning conditions in order for all to flourish. Our rich, supportive and aspirational curriculum offers exciting challenges and encourages a life long love of learning.
Foundation Subjects
The Amberley
Immersion Curriculum
The Amberley Immersion Curriculum is bespoke to our school and has been designed to empower all pupils to flourish. Our intent is for pupils to make decisions, and deepen their knowledge and understanding whilst enabling them to gain a clear idea of what makes each subject in our curriculum unique.
We are driven as a school community to ensure that our pupils recognise that they have unique skills to benefit themselves, to support their community and to give to the wider world. We have ensured that our Immersion Curriculum encompasses the elements of the School Vision which support our pupils' learning journey, embracing values and learning skills for life. Through this, pupils will embrace the opportunity to develop the skills needed to become geographers, scientists, historians, musicians, artists, citizens and designers as well as having the opportunity to use their numeracy, literacy and computing skills as tools to further their understanding.
Learning opportunities are provided through progressive units based on a skills-based curriculum which allows the pupils to develop their understanding, build upon fluency, and master transferrable skills. By immersing children in a block of learning, we are giving them the opportunity to go beyond surface-level understanding, giving them the chance to make decisions, to explore and to reflect upon their own learning, as well as providing additional challenge.
Pupils will learn as much about themselves as the world around them: our Christian values and learning powers will both support and extend pupils’ development into becoming caring, interested and resilient human beings, while the structure of the curriculum will provide the time and opportunity for them to demonstrate these values and behaviours. Through these opportunities, Amberley children will develop the strong roots they need to flourish and become reflective, aspirational and independent learners for life.